Gatherings: Commercial Meeting Space

Clearlake City Hall - Public meeting spaces can be comfortable, beautiful and functional!

Public meeting spaces really do not have to be cold, uncomfortable and ugly!

For so many years, public entities were pretty much relegated to the tired basements, cafeterias, gymnasiums and other multi-purpose areas of institutional structures for their meetings and events.

To many CEO’s, small-businesses or kitchen-table-entrepreneurs, the deliberate “conference room” concept (large or small) seemed like a frivolous budget item, when an organization could “make do” with another institution’s “extra space.”

All communities have governments, schools, associations and organizations that have to have meetings! Meetings have agendas, and agendas have goals.

Achieving your organization’s agenda goals depends on many complex factors. Like it or not, those factors are influenced by still other factors – some obnoxiously obvious, and others much more subtle! Gatherings have dynamics unique to each organization’s focus, its leadership personality and its performance character, i.e., its reputation!

Generally speaking, businesses have two basic kinds of meetings:  Internally focused (large, small or one-on-one), and Outwardly focused (community, local government, associative and even political).

Internally focused meetings – hiring interviews, staff meetings, policy and management issues, etc. – differ greatly from Outwardly focused; or they should!   In those meetings, we all fudge a little!  We can meet in someone’s office, in the lunchroom over sandwiches or pizza, or in other “make-do” environs.

Outwardly focused meetings – again, large or small – should carry more conscientious site considerations.  No doubt, we are very, very mindful of the construction of our agendas, our attendees’ lists and the choice of courtesy refreshments.  All of those speak to our hopes that the meeting will achieve our goals.  Unfortunately, in many cases, priorities stop there.  Also, unfortunately, a very important element is either overlooked or undervalued.

It is a simple, easily proven fact that people are greatly influenced by the environment in which meetings are called. Everything from uncomfortable seating to unintended odors imprint attendees in unforgettable ways! Older buildings, multi-purpose utility space and seldom-used areas often betray their neglect, and create impressions. For instance, bare concrete walls, void of any attempt at attractive ambience give your attendees an unwanted, unspoken agenda item that comes to mind the very next time they get the next meeting notice.

It is easy to pull out “worse case” examples, but you and I know it is just a matter of degree.

We have only to think a moment or two of meetings where we were distracted by discomfort, poor temperature control, or, quite simply, maybe just an ugly space! Like it or not, such factors affect attitude, and attitude affects receptivity; and, that can affect decision-making!

All points may be well taken, but how exactly do Interior Design solutions prove up to budgeting issues, considerations concerning just how important environment is for meetings’ success -- and the positive influencing of Outwardly focused connections.

A good question – and one I have often been asked! My answer? A meeting’s environment is an important consideration. Many solutions are quite simple, and when stood up against the marketing impact, are worth the investment. It is about marketing – your ideas, your agenda goals, your consideration for your attendees and your understanding about how environment influences attitude, concentration – and memory!

Outwardly focused gatherings (large or small) require different planning considerations. If your gatherings contain attendees outside your specific business, venue or circle, or are meetings involving the general public, your control over your sphere of influence becomes more critical. That influence begins with your attendees’ first step into the meeting space!

It might be the perfect time for you to mentally go to one of your own meetings – not as the facilitator, but as a prospective attendee, with new eyes. What do you see, hear, feel, smell or just notice? It might need some simple solutions, or it might need a sensible (beautiful) makeover. Your Interior design specialist can offer an assessment and an estimate – and you might be surprised at the cost, the results and the potential rewards! Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.


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